Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Wonder Wisdom


  • It is impossible to lick your elbow with your tongue.
  • 55 per cent of people yawn within 5 minutes of seeing someone else yawn. Reading about yawning makes most people yawn.
  • The names of the continents all end with the same letter with which they start
  • The whip-lash makes a cracking sound because its tip moves faster than the speed of sound.
  • The average lead pencil can draw a line that is almost 35 miles long or you can write almost 50,000 words in English .....
  • "Almost" is the longest word in the English language with all the letters in alphabetical order.
  • "Rhythm" is the longest English word without a vowel.
  • The Venezuelan brown bat can detect and dodge every individual raindrops in mid-flight, arriving safely back at his cave completely dry.

Friday, May 13, 2011

A Better Dancer???

I might have improved frm my last vid... :)
rest u tell

Tuesday, December 28, 2010



Wednesday, December 01, 2010

The Musical Keyboard

Hey folks !!! wassup wid all of u out there !! Njoyin Lyf i suppose......
Well after Rapping n Dancing.......I decided to try my hands on PLAYING some muzic
Nd EUREKA !!! Its Easy too ::PP
Check Dis Out

Sunday, August 22, 2010


Hey ppl......this Rakshit Again..........
U remember i talked abt hidden talents a while ago....
i dunno abt u....but that post worked as an inspiration for me.....
i found 2 of my hidden talents
1. Sketching
2. Composing n Singing RAPs

Well chk some of my sketches nd tell me if u feel the same ":

2. Chk out my Rap @

Friday, July 23, 2010


Hey Frnzz.....how u all r doin.....
Well m fyn..........
today i've brought up two kewl vidz by which u all will get a jist of technical developments in world.......
so check them out........

India's own $35 Pc.....

This one shows the Emerging technologies across the globe

Monday, July 19, 2010


Konichiwa friends !!! Dis is SAMURAI RAKSHIT.......today m gonna tell u about a shuriken : a small but effective weapon with a samurai or a ninja....so read it carefully as u might have ur own shuriken by the end.....njoy!!
Shuriken is basically sword hidden in the hand,  traditional Japanese Concealed weapon that was generally used for throwing, and sometimes stabbing or slashing. They are sharpened hand-held blades made from a variety of everyday items such as needles, nails, and knives, as well as coins, washers, and other flat plates of metal.
The art of wielding the shuriken is known as  shurikenjutsu.

There are a number of styles for throwing the shuriken. In some, the star is held full in the hand so that it is hidden from the opponent's view. Another involves throwing more than one star at a time in a spread out pattern. One of the easier styles is to grip one point between thumb and forefinger and throw overhand or sidearm with a quick springing motion, somewaht like a frisbee. Overhand is more like a dart. The star will stick best if it is thrown so that it strikes the target board level with the grain of the wood.

THE GRIP: For short distances, hold the star by the end of the point .
 The turn of the star can be varied either by the force it is thrown or by changing the grip. A star held with the hand further up the point will make a slower turn.

JUDGING DISTANCES: It is very necessary that the star thrower learns to judge distances accurately. Unless he is able to do so, his throwing skill will have to develop entirely by trial and error. The beginner should start his practice and develop his individual "feel" for the star with a half-turn throw at this distance. Practice a uniform half-turn throw untill you can land your star in the target consistently.

TARGETS: For out-of-doors practice a good target can be fashioned from a 2-foot square of heavy board (soft pine boards are best), on which you can paint a bull's-eye or any other design or finish.

well....now its ur turn
make ur own paper shuriken n practice fpr a BULLS EYE.....that doesnt mean that u stand in front of a bull n hit him in the eye....lol

See what i made out of this vid


NOTE : No bull was hurt during the  whole practice........lol

Thursday, July 15, 2010


Hey ppl !!!! Hwz Evei1.......well the title of my post seems weird but i can bet a 100 bucks that        it'll b an interesting one.....unlike the SUN one........lol
Well today m gonna discuss about one's hidden talents.
Every one has atleast one blessed ability that can take him miles.....in life........
Now one such example is one of my seniors who discovered that she could be a great poetess.It was when she was in her 10th grade....she accidentally  got inspired by a frnd who was great at writing......and since then her works have delighted and INSPIRED her fans .... one of them being myself...
So lets have it for Ms Malvika Tiwari............
herez one of her best :


I got up at 8,
Landed on the ground,
Opened my eyes,
No one made a sound.

The birds didn’t chirp,
Even the fan was mute,
No one was around,
Everything seemed so rude.

For sure had a dream,
That was weird rather bad,
Got up astonished,
And everything seemed sad.

Then looked into the mirror,
Eyes shining bright,
Skin felt so fresh,
Like everything was right.

Everything was usual, all at its place,
Boring Monday morning, just slow at pace,
Suddenly felt so beautiful,
Dunno how? Dunno why?
Life seemed out of flaw,
And me, high up in the sky.

Usually counted what I lost, what I failed,
This Monday morning life had just sailed,
Like so far, like covered miles,
Wanted to make people happy, and just see smiles.

Everything in my past seemed too old,
Suddenly felt so great, like I was the gold,
Only the good memories in my heart to hold,
Like bad never occurred-or I took a fold,
Life flipped it all, maybe this was another mould,
Or surely life is beautiful as mom always told...

WOw that was inspiring.....
i almost wrote a poem on my own..........
but          4get it mine isn't that fine....

U can check out more of Malvika's works @ poetrypoem.com/malvika

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Hey ppl !!!! Rakshit here again............
Today's the day for all those science freaks.......My next post which u will b reading now is about our same old shining sun which might not shine after a short span of time...

Who said the Sun will shine tomorrow ? INDIA TV ?????....lol  Here's the bad news: one day, the Sun will NOT shine anymore. Eventually, the Sun will die. It will be a beautiful thing to see. But there's a bit of a problem: long before, the dying Sun will simply have swallowed the earth.


In case you didn't know, the Sun is in fact a huge nuclear power plant. It runs on hydrogen. The Sun transfers hydrogen atoms into helium by nuclear fusion. It's nothing like the puny hydrogen bombs humanity finds so impressive. Each second, no less than 400 million tons of hydrogen goes boom.

Unfortunately, the amount of fuel inside the Sun is limited. You can't see it, but in fact, that huge light bulb in the sky we call `Sun'  shrinks and cools down a tiny little bit every second. The Sun is `middle aged'. In another 5,000 million years, it will run out of hydrogen.
Long before, we will notice the consequences. On the one hand, the Sun will get brighter and warmer. On the other hand, as the Sun shrinks and becomes less heavy, its gravitational pull on the Earth will loosen. Consequently, the orbit of our planet and all other planets in the solar system will widen.
Okay, so an earthly year will be several weeks longer. But don't mistake, there's a downside here. It will get colder. And not just a little bit. Within `only' several billions of years, Earth will become an icy, permafrost planet, where it will be hard to survive.
Well, we're still lucky, really. When the Sun eventually runs out of hydrogen, the nuclear reactions inside the Sun's core will stop. There will be no explosive force pushing outwards from the heart of the Sun anymore. The Sun will collapse, pressed together by its own gravity.
Subsequently, temperatures inside the Sun will rise even more. And, lucky we, there will be another nuclear reaction sparking off. The Sun will start fusing helium into carbon and hydrogen this time. KABOOM! This will prevent the Sun from collapsing any further. Finally, we will have warmth again.
But wait, we're in trouble. A nuclear power plant that runs on helium gives off a hell of a lot more energy and heat than one run on hydrogen. The new, immense power of the Sun's core will literally blow up the Sun. The Sun will grow, eating up several planets: first Mercury, then Venus. And next on the menu, yes, Earth.
The absorbing 1961 movie The Day The Earth Caught Fire  gives a pretty good picture of what it will be like. Sure, it will become quite hot. Rivers will evaporate, causing dense, hot fogs. The polar ice will melt, causing oceans to rise and entire countries to flood. But then, the sea will evaporate as well. Long before the solar surface reaches our planet, we will simply be barbecued to death. Sadly, there is no happy ending. Eventually, Earth will be swallowed by the growing Sun. Our planet will burn up in its ultra hot outer layers.
Of course, we still have some 5,000 million years to come up with a solution for this nasty problem. For one thing, we might evacuate, or even find a way to move our entire planet away from the Sun. But even then, it's highly unlikely we will enjoy the Sun as much as we once did. Since the Sun has expanded so much, its outer parts will cool down. The Sun's surface will become cool, deep red. It will be a Red Giant -- `giant' being just the right name for an object that just ate up our planet.

So there we are in our spaceship or wherever we are, glancing back at our red giant Sun. Will that be it? No, it won't. Even the helium-into-carbon reaction doesn't last forever. Eventually, after another 100 million years or so, the Sun runs out of helium as well. The nuclear reactions will stop again, and gravity will take over once more. The Sun's core will collapse further.
But this time, a dramatic change will occur. The Sun simply won't have enough gravitational strength to hold itself together anymore. The Sun's outer layers will be pushed off into space. In other words: the Sun will explode.

There will be a big nebula of super hot solar gas, flinging off in all directions. A beautiful sight, but not for us poor things. For many millions of years in a row, it will be like we're on the grill of a barbecue once more -- spaceship or no spaceship. And there will be radiation. Lots of it.Okay, so we decide to keep it cool and move our spaceship further away from the dying Sun. 

Still, even that won't be it. After the solar gasses and all the radiation have passed by, we will find that our vexed Sun has become a White Dwarf: a tiny, insignificant dot in the sky, still hot, but since there's no longer any nuclear reactions going on inside, cooling down fast.

Should we move our spaceship back to the Sun to catch some warmth? Well, we'd better not. For one thing, the gravity of our deceased Sun will be way too big to cope with. White dwarfs are incredibly dense. Although our ex-Sun will only have the size of the Earth, it will still have the mass of a star. A cubic centimeter may weigh several tons. So, by the time we'd reach a distance where it's warm and comfortable, our spaceship would simply crash into it.
And, oh well, what's the point in visiting White Dwarfs anyway? In the end -- more millions of years later -- the Sun will be cooled down so much, it will no longer give off any warmth at all. It will be a dull, extinguished object called a Black Dwarf.
Bye-bye, beautiful summer!
AMAZING if TRUE.....lol